I seek to still each moment
not for a want of immortality
or out of the fear of the darkest dreams
of the subterfuge. What would I do
with my eternal life
and what would I fear
in the unknown wilderness
if I lived forever unknowing
and had not your hand
to pull me through the wilds?
I seek to still each moment
because the mirror of each moment
reflects something we have shared,
because the surmountable distance
of miles and years that opened over us
only reveals its fragility, its permutability,
when I try to draw the eternity from the instant.
For instance:
the eternality in the image
of a snowy bridge
lies in the passage of the water
along snow-tinged banks
and the silvery surface, silken
with the reflection of the whirling sky.
Do you see? I am
already there, and you
are already there, and we
are there together.